How Aligned Is Your Test Organization?

Disagreement-b1The testing profession has been around for many years – and we live in a world where change is constant.  Technologies are moving at the speed of light, new approaches are being introduced for planning, developing, and testing products.

In the rush to keep up, have we lost the control over the alignment in the team?  How many of us are unsure of the perfect answer to some of the questions and hot topic discussions today?  Are there areas where your group is not in alignment?  The answer is probably yes. Being a testing practitioner requires understanding the many schools of testing and who is supporting those schools.  It is important for testing professionals to understand the common topics where organizations are not in sync.

I am compiling expanded examples for two upcoming conferences I am speaking for in October.  As I prepare for these presentations, I am compiling hundreds of responses I received in a testing survey I took in early 2013.  Some of the area folks felt their teams were not aligned were:

  • Metrics – which are core to supporting test managers and the team?  Are they useful?  Misleading?
  • Test Certifications verses self-disciplined training (blogs, articles, consulting, etc.)
  • What is the role of the testing team in the decision to move a release to production?
  • Automation verses Manual testing – various sub-topics
  • Top 3 ways to show the value of the testing organization to the rest of the company

I NEED YOUR HELP!! => I would like your inputs, this week, ASAP, on other areas where you see teams are not aligned – and they may be split in their beliefs.  I appreciate any comments and postings you provide here, and I thank each of you in advance!